Installation supervisor in the Kemi bioproduct mill project

An equipment supplier operating in the Kemi bioproduct mill project was looking for an on-site installation supervisor for the duration of the installation of its equipment. Uggla was able to provide an experienced installation supervisor with a wide-ranging background for a project that lasted almost a year.

Diverse experience in the field of electric automation

Working in the bioproduct mill project as an installation supervisor, Henri has wide-ranging experience in projects and electrical engineering as, for example, work foreman and electric automation manager. He supports the equipment supplier in the Kemi project with his knowledge of automation systems and electric automation maintenance as well as a deep understanding of process engineering.

The perspective of an equipment supplier and a client

Henri’s diverse work experience is boosted by him having previously worked as a contractor supervisor and on the buyer’s side. Due to his background, whilst supervising installations Henri can understand the perspective of an equipment supplier as well as the client operating the site, thus streamlining the installation process and ensuring a successful result.

Our services for companies

Installation supervision

Our installation supervision services are for buyer organisations, equipment suppliers, and contractors. Uggla can provide professionals for all project stages.

HSE services

Our HSE professionals ensure safety at work by taking over work safety planning and the handling and supervision of work safety requirements.

Site management

When you want to make sure that all regulations regarding e.g. contractor’s obligations and work permits are followed at the site, you can rely on Uggla’s expertise.

Project management and administration

Uggla can provide expertise and help for investment projects in project management, site management and running errands.